May 22, 2024

Nuria Álvarez Diaz and Arturo Larrasoain Jiménez, teachers at La Compasión Escolapios School in Rochapea, give their unconditional support to the oPEN Lab project, having involved students and teachers in the interactive maps project.

They have jointly organised days of dissemination through street actions, more formal communication and a large interactive event in the neighbourhood and in the school playground.

The students continue with data recording and data exploitation. The results will be analysed with them in order to define projects that respond to the local needs detected with the maps.

Once these projects have been identified, they will be prioritised and implemented through co-creation processes, in which the pupils will play an active role under the coordination of the teaching staff.

This collaboration has been strategic and the presence in the street, from the proximity, has generated a wave that has seen the involvement of other local agents and has made it possible to define a new long-term project.

The creation of collaborative murals in the 4 schools in the neighbourhood that talk about climate change, renewable energy, etc., from a local perspective. Focusing the discourse on the role that women play in the transition towards a Positive Energy Neighbourhood. We are already developing the first one in the Escolapios School itself.

At school level, the interactive maps are part of a bigger project called My Green Place, where also other oPEN Lab related initiatives take place, such as the Gaming tool on Action Against Energy Waste.

Special thanks to Nuria and Arturo for being there, contributing to build an active and transformative community.