Visit to the oPEN Living Lab Pamplona

May 25, 2022

Maarten De Groote and Paulina Rodríguez Fiscal, part of VITO that is coordinating the oPEN Lab project, have visited the city of Pamplona to examine the progress of the oPEN Living Lab Pamplona.

Yesterday, the Mayor of Pamplona, Enrique Maya met with Maarten De Groote, and Paulina Rodríguez Fiscal together with Jose Fermín Costero, Head of the Municipal Strategic Office and Rufino Hernández who is professor of the Department of Architecture at the UPV/EHU and founding partner of Alonso Hernández & Asociados Arquitectura S.L. (AH).

This visit is part of a range of working meetings. In the morning Maarten De Groote and Paulina Rodríguez Fiscal also met with municipal technicians of the Strategic Office of the City of Pamplona. During their three day visit, they also hold idividual and joint meetings with the local oPEN Lab partners namely the Pamplona City Council, AH Asociados, the National Center for Renewable Energy, OBENSA, and the UPV. In these sessions, the current status and development of the project is evaluated and challenges are discussed. Additionally, the steps that will be undertaken in 2022 are being discussed.

Yesterday, a two hour site-visit to the IWER buildings and the San Pedro area has been completed. The buildings of the San Pedro Group that participate in the project will be physically or virtually connected with the IWER complex to form the root of a Positive Green Energy District, enabling energy exchanges and the balance of the network. The IWER complext will receive a 900 kWp power plant at first.

Credits: City of Pamplona Credits: City of Pamplona