The unique renovation cost calculation tool was well-received in Tartu

Dec 21, 2022

On December 8, Tartu oPEN Lab project team hosted a meeting with the representatives of the housing associations interested in the renovation. The meeting aimed to present the estimated cost of the renovation works. The cost was received by asking for estimated price offers from construction companies. Based on these estimations in the current market situation, the project team developed a unique calculation tool that is easy to use and was very well received by the calculation workshop participants.

The meeting was attended by 13 local project team members and 27 representatives from nine buildings. Each group in the workshop consisted of the representatives of one building and a project team member who guided the use of the calculation tool.

The calculation workshop enabled each house’s representatives to choose their house’s initial and financing conditions, specific renovation works needed, consider the works already done, and see the estimated renovation cost. Additionally, the tool allowed them to compare their monthly housing costs before the renovation, what they would be after the renovation and the resulting change in monthly costs. A summary of calculation results was sent to the participants and will be shared with the residents of each building.

The easy-to-use calculation tool was warmly received by all nine groups and proved to be very useful. Although some had already calculated similar prices in their buildings, most associations still need time for internal discussions before deciding on the renovation. It was felt that construction costs in the current economic situation are expensive and that high interest rates make renovating even more difficult. However, there was a common understanding of the future benefits a renovation would bring.

In addition to renovation quotations, participants were also given an overview of the current state of the project and the next steps. Participants were also encouraged to see their building report created by the project team, which presents the technical inspection of the building and the starting points for renovation. Next, the housing association boards will introduce the preliminary price estimations also to the citizens in their buildings and in the coming month, the project team will help them to explain the options in their housing association general meetings.

News on the local web page:

Summary in Estonian:õte%20kodulehele.pdf

Photos from the workshop: