oPEN Lab | Scientific Publications
Here you can find a collection of all our oPEN Lab Scientific Publications.
Positive energy neighbourhoods as drivers of local energy transitions
Bankert, Taranu (2024). Positive energy neighbourhoods as drivers of local energy transitions, ECEEE summer study proceedings.
Development of Prefabricated Additional Insulation Elements for the Renovation of High-Rise Apartment Buildings
Pihelo, Peep; Kalamees, Targo (2024). Development of Prefabricated Additional Insulation Elements for the Renovation of High-Rise Apartment Buildings. Journal of Sustainable Architecture and Civil Engineering, 34 (2) [forthcoming].
Moisture safety strategies for roof renovation with prefabricated additional insulation elements
Kodi, G-M.; Kalbe, K.; Pihelo, P.; Kalamees, T. (2024). Moisture safety strategies for roof renovation with prefabricated additional insulation elements. Proceedings of the 5th. Forum Wood Building Baltic 2024: 5th Forum Wood Building Baltic (FWBB 2024), Tallinn, 26-28 February 2024. Tallinn University of Technology, 2.
Renovation of facades in Estonia - challenges and solutions in terms of building physics
Kalamees, T. (2021). Renovation of facades in Estonia – challenges and solutions in terms of building physics. Rakennusfysiikka 2021: 26-28.10.2021, Tampere, Finland. Grano OY, 25−35.
"oPEN Lab" project as an underpin innovation for Positive Energy District solutions in Pamplona
A Kalms, I Cornago, M Ezquer, S Diaz de Garayo, A Arias, L Torres, D San Emeterio, M O Irulegui, F Bouchotrouch and M De Groote, 2023 J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 2600 082029.
Scientific poster: Advanced PV and thermal modeling for a feasible and efficient BAPV-T system design and evaluation
Iñaki Cornago, Mikel Ezquer, Patxi Sorbet, Alicia Kalms, Gonzalo Diarce, Olatz Irulegi and Fritz Zaversky, CENER Poster Number: 4BV.4.13, 2024.
Here is a list of other scientific publications authored by oPEN Lab partners that are not directly related to the project.
Commissioning the Design and Construction of Prefabricated Renovation
Jürgenson, Alari; Pihelo, Peep (2024). Commissioning the Design and Construction of Prefabricated Renovation. Proceedings of the 5th Forum Wood Building Baltic 2024: 5th Forum Wood Building Baltic (FWBB 2024), Tallinn, 26-28 February 2024. Ed. Targo Kalamees, Alar Just, Anna Tommingas. Tallinn: Tallinn University of Technology, 2.