oPEN Lab | News
First events for residents of the Annelinn neighbourhood
The oPEN Living Lab Tartu has organised the first series of information events for the residents of 6 to 9-story houses in the Annelinn oPEN Living Lab neighbourhood on four...
One-to-one meetings with the housing association boards in the Annelinn pilot area
The oPEN Lab project team in Tartu has initiated one on one meetings with the board members of the pilot area housing associations in the Annelinn neighbourhood. The aim of...
Surveying the Annelinn neighbourhood
In January and February 2022, the oPEN Living Lab Tartu engagement working group conducted a survey among residents of the Annelinn neighbourhood. The aim was to collect their...
In March a first series of co-creation sessions was organized: one session with the industrial partners and one with the citizen
On 10 March 2022, the first co-creation session with the oPEN Living Lab Genk’s industrial partners took place. This session worked around 8 topics that need to be considered...
Residents of Annelinn are invited to attend info days on the renovation of apartment buildings
Residents of Annelinn are invited to attend an info day, where the City of Tartu and the Tartu Regional Energy Agency will introduce support options for the renovation of 6-9...
First oPEN Living Lab Genk citizen event
The first citizen event with the inhabitants of the Waterschei and Nieuw Texas – the two neighbourhoods where the oPEN Living Lab Genk will be implemented – took place on 28...
oPEN Lab – Let us introduce ourselves!
oPEN Lab is a project funded under the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. Under the coordination of VITO, 33 partners from 7 countries are...