The oPENLab toolbox is now live!

Apr 5, 2024

What is the OpenLab Toolbox?

oPEN Lab partners are proud to announce the launch of a new toolbox dedicated to the roll-out of positive energy neighborhoods (PENs) in Europe. The oPEN Lab Toolbox brings together the best practices collected through the project in relation to renovation and PENs.

The opportunities offered by PENs are far-reaching: a more climate-neutral building stock, improved comfort and public health for citizens, more climate resilient buildings and helping to alleviate energy poverty and contributing to our energy security. To make our renovation goals a reality while ensuring a just transition, PENs can be a big part of the solution going forward.

This Toolbox is a repository of the most relevant and innovative methods and tools developed and used within the oPEN Lab project related to PENs. It is meant to provide policymakers and industry makers with insights and knowledge and help them select the right approach for their actions.

Why a toolbox?

The Toolbox acts as a one-stop-shop where users can easily access the wealth of information, best practices and learnings from the oPENLab project. The Toolbox not only compiles good practice examples, but also methodological approaches, calculation procedures, conclusions from test cases as well as implementation guidelines and recommendations. The Toolbox is dynamic and will be regularly fed with new cases as the oPENLab project progresses.

The Toolbox is not just be a web-based knowledge hub, but a repository of policy development methods related to positive energy neighbourhoods, helping policy practitioners to identify and select the right approach for their policy initiative.

How is it structured?

Putting the end-users’ needs at the centre, the Toolbox is designed in a user-friendly way, allowing to find the right information in just a few clicks. The Toolbox is structured into five main categories:

  • Audience: Civil society; private sector; public sector
  • Phase: How to get started; planning & prototype; implementation & construction; monitoring & evaluation & operational phase; upscaling & replication.
  • Topic: Public participation & communication; business models & finance; capacity building & governance; Policy; monitoring & Management; Technology & renovation; Design thinking; stakeholder engagement & social innovation.
  • Living Labs: Tartu, Pamplona, Genk
  • Format: Good practices, Calculation tools, Policy recommendation, methodological approach; calculation procedure; implementation guideline.

The user can easily find the information needed by selecting any of the item above. By selecting one or several filters, different results will appear based on the selection. The user can then click on one of the results to access more information as well as a direct link to the tool.

Discover the Toolbox now: