Tartu renovation working group meets for the third time

Aug 14, 2024

On August 7, the renovation working group of the Ravila street 49 apartment building met again to continue working and discussing the different renovation solutions.

Despite the low turnout, the group made considerable progress. Several important decisions were made, for example regarding the entrance of the building, where the residents decided to follow the architect’s advice and raise the road in front of the building to the same level as the entrance. This will eliminate the short stairs the building has at the moment and increase safety as drivers will be forced to slow down.

Other decisions concerned the technical elements of the renovation, but a few decisions were still left pending as the working group is waiting for the new building design sketches from the architects.

The next meeting of the working group will be on August 28, when the group will make the remaining renovation decisions and prepare for introducing their work to the rest of the residents.