The Annelinn+ (oPEN Lab) team visited the houses of the pilot area next to Mõisavahe 43 prototype wall on 11 and 16 of March to introduce again the oPEN Lab project’s value offer and answer the most burning questions.
The information events aimed to provide the residents of the pilot houses with the most up-to-date information on the renovation of the houses, their costs, and technical solutions. At both information events, many curious residents were present who sought for answers to their remaining questions about renovation options. Residents were mainly concerned about the cost of renovation and the overall financial situation and support schemes, which has generated doubts and concerns about the ability of the housing association to pay the loan that they still would need to take. Nevertheless, most residents who visited the events were optimistic about the renovation and consider it essential, even though many admitted that it is difficult to reach to positive decision in the whole building. Residents were also interested in the innovative solutions to make 9-story apartment buildings smart and energy efficient.
The Annelinn+ team of the oPEN Living Lab Tartu would like to thank all those who participated in the information sessions!