Ravila 49 Residents in Tartu Dream Big in Collaborative Workshop for Renovation Vision

May 23, 2024

In a collaboration between residents and experts, the workshop for Ravila 49 apartment building took place on Saturday, April 13th, at Veeriku School. Aimed at fostering a shared vision for the future of Ravila 49 and its surroundings post-renovation, the workshop was a platform for residents to voice their aspirations and desires without the pressure of making immediate decisions.

Divided into discussion groups led by project experts, participants delved into various aspects of the renovation project, including the surroundings of the building, balconies and façade, hallways, elevators, basements, as well as ventilation, heating, and cooling systems. Each group engaged in lively discussions, exchanging ideas and exploring residents’ wishes and possibilities under the guidance of knowledgeable facilitators.

The Ravila 49 workshop aimed to capture the collective imagination of the residents. With a focus on gathering ideas and wishes rather than selecting specific solutions, the workshop empowered participants to envision their ideal living environment and contribute to the renovation planning process. Throughout the workshop, it became clear that residents really care about making their homes and neighborhood better.

The workshop not only provided residents with a platform to share their aspirations but also served as a validation of the extensive preparatory work undertaken by the project team. It marked a crucial step towards the next phase of renovation, where residents will have the opportunity to further discuss and refine their ideas before they are incorporated into the design and construction project.

As the Ravila 49 community gathers to plan their future living spaces, the workshop shows how working together and involving everyone can make a big difference. Participants expressed their enthusiasm, highlighting the workshop’s significance and captivating nature. They eagerly anticipate future workshops and study visits, emphasizing the value of continued engagement. Furthermore, they highly praised the expertise of the professionals involved, noting that the workshop illuminated numerous opportunities previously unseen, sparking excitement for the possibilities ahead.