oPEN Living Lab Pamplona completes the BIPV roof installation

Aug 1, 2024

The oPEN Living Lab Pamplona is proud to announce it reached a new milestone with the completion of the BIPV roof installation. The recently installed photovoltaic roof provides 60 kWp of renewable energy generation by exploiting all available roof area, even on suboptimal orientations, which required a careful design process, by optimizing string configuration and inverters election.  This PV installation will be capable to produce around 72 MWh of clean energy per year.

In the following weeks, CENER Solar Department partners will measure voltage-current response curves to characterize each string individually, in order to develop accurate digital twins of the complete photovoltaic roof array.

Concerning the development of the heat harvesting system, San Pedro BIPV will allow to monitor the temperature and air flow beneath the solar panels. To do so, different types of sensors were installed in the ventilated cavity, as well as a meteorological station with a calibrated hemispherical pyranometer. The data gathered will be used to fine-tune the simulation models, and further optimize the design of the ventilated system that will be installed in the IWER complex.

As for the next steps, our team is looking forward to work together with the main contractor and installers to further commission all building technical systems, prominently those related to energy generation, storage and management, as well as home automation interfaces that will allow residents to access and interact easily with the energy system.