oPEN Lab | Project Partner

University of the Basque Country
Universidad del País Vasco
The University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) is a teaching and research institution officially founded in 1980. The university employs over 7.500 people in 31 faculties and schools distributed in three different campuses, with more than 57.000 undergraduate and postgraduate students. The UPV/EHU has been recognised as an International Research Campus of Excellence by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation.
Since the first European Research Framework Programmes, the UPV/EHU has been highly active and has participated in a variety of collaborative projects. It has different research groups. Among them, the CAVIAR group (Quality of Life in Architecture and Urbanism) focuses its research activities on the environmental comfort of architectural and urban spaces, materials and industrialised building systems and sustainable construction and energy efficiency. ENEDI group (Energy in Building) oversees the management and development of the Thermal Area of the Building Quality Control Laboratory of the Basque Government and carries out research in three main lines of work: EnediPHYS (building physics), EnediSYST (installations) and EnediTES (thermal energy storage).
Role in Project
The University of the Basque Country will participate in five different fronts; first, the social team is engaged in the setup and operation of the PEN living labs as well as in the co-creation, community, and value chain engagement for user-centric PENs. Second, UPV/EHU will lead the Live Cycle Assessment tasks, collaborate in the development of digital twins, and demonstrate innovative technologies coupled with building information modelling solutions. Thirdly, it will support industrialised solutions for high standards energy retrofitting of buildings. Fourth, it will lead the demonstration of an innovative heat harvesting system coupling building-integrated photovoltaics and HP, as well as aquifer thermal energy storage. Finally, it will actively collaborate in the follow-up actions at the Pamplona Living Lab.