oPEN Lab | Project Partner

University of Tartu
Tartu Ülikool

The University of Tartu, founded in 1632, is the oldest, largest and the only classical university in Estonia with more than 13,000 students and 1,500 academic staff members. Since 2016, the University of Tartu is structured into four faculties: humanities and arts, social sciences, medical sciences, and science and technology. Research at the University of Tartu focuses on subjects as diverse as medicine and philosophy, genetics, and computer science. The University of Tartu accounts for more than half of all the doctoral degrees conferred (129 in 2019), research publications, and national R&D financing in Estonia. According to the Estonian Research Information System, scholars associated with the University of Tartu publish more than 3,000 research publications annually (3.136 in 2018), more than half of which are classified as high-level publications (1.709 in 2018).

Mobility Lab of the University of Tartu focuses on research topics such as activity spaces, travel behaviour, tourism, segregation, smart cities, ICT use and environmental impacts for pursuing a deeper understanding of spatial mobility. To gain the best probable understanding of spatial mobility, the research group applies both quantitative and qualitative data. One of its main interests lies in the novel methodology based on mobile telephone use and active and passive mobile positioning data. The latter enables researchers to give a more comprehensive insight into individuals’ activity spaces and spatiotemporal regularities than traditional data sources. The Mobility Lab is internationally known for its mobile positioning-based research and development.

Role in Project

The University of Tartu will monitor and analyse social impacts. The University of Tartu, in collaboration with Tartu city and IBS (Institute of Baltic Studies), is involved in the citizens’ engagement processes and validation of innovative social models in the Tartu Living Lab.