oPEN Lab | Project Partner

Tartu City Government
Tartu Linnavalitsus

Tartu is the capital and largest city of Tartu County in South Estonia. The population of Tartu is around 100,000 people. There are approximately 300 employees in the city government of Tartu, and it is operating under the political leadership of a mayor and 5 deputy mayors. Tartu is considered to be the most liveable city in Estonia. Tartu has been at the forefront of sustainability in Estonia with the most ambitious environmental and sustainability goals. Having started producing heat from sustainable sources in 2009 and having public transportation running on sustainable energy, the city is turning its focus into promoting local sustainable electricity production.

Role in Project

The city of Tartu is the lead partner in the Tartu Living Lab. Tartu is coordinating local partner cooperation. The city is the main partner in engaging stakeholders in the Living Lab. The city is organising the renovation process financing, managing the implementation and renovation surveillance.
