oPEN Lab | Project Partner

European Network of Living Labs

The European Network of Living Labs (ENoLL) is a community aiming to promote and enhance user-driven innovation ecosystems, more precisely the Living Labs concept globally. ENoLL Living Labs are user-driven, open innovation ecosystems based on a systematic user co-creation approach integrating research and innovation processes in real-life communities and settings.

ENoLL counts today with 155 active members worldwide (480+ historically recognised Living Labs over 14 years), including in 18 of the 26 EU Member States, and with 20% of members based outside of the European Union.

Role in Project

ENoLL is leading the activities related to the set-up and operations of Positive Energy Neighbourhoods Living Labs. ENoLL will help the Living Labs prepare the quadruple helix ecosystem as well as mentor and train living lab partners through the capacity-building programme.