Third European Congress of Energy Communities

1-2 October 2024



The Third  European Congress of Energy Communities will be held in the capital of Navarra on 1 and 2 October 2024.

The European Congress of Energy Communities aims to provide a platform for information sharing and debate on the advancing energy transition at local and regional levels. Energy communities are recognised as key drivers in accelerating the shift to a climate neutral energy system. In recent years, they have gained significant legal recognition and heightened interest from both public and private sectors.

oPEN Living Lab Pamplona is implementing one of the first operational Positive Energy Neighbourhood in Spain, demonstrating an advanced, scalable, and replicable urban energy model.

oPEN Lab partners will share experiences and good practices gained from their initiatives in the Rochapea neighbourhood.

Join them and visit one of the exciting workshops:

Workshop 1: Public administration and the promotion of One Stop Shops for the energy transition

Workshop 2: How to advance in flexibility and demand management to promote distributed generation

Workshop 3: Ecofeminism and energy as a right

Workshop 4: Incorporating lines of action to promote the participation of youth in energy communities